B175H-W/20 铜制 20 度
SKU: 000-11691-001
000-11691-001铜制,贯穿船体式,130-210 kHz 单通道 CHIRP 传感器
The B175H-W is a bronze, thru-hull CHIRP transducer, ideal for sportfishing and commercial vessels up to 8 m (25 ft) in size. This single-channel transducer offers High CHIRP combined with a wide beam for the best resolution and coverage in shallower depths.
- 130-210 kHz 高 CHIRP,具有针对卓越鱼群的宽广 25° 波束
- 高 CHIRP 下的工作范围为 310 米(1000 英尺)
- 1 个内部宽带陶瓷元件
- 贯穿船体式,铜制外罩
- 适用于玻璃纤维和木质船体
- 20° 倾斜元件